We Have Two COLD BREW User Manuals Available:
One for the "Stationary" Filter #1
One for the "Removable" Filter #2
We have a BEAN STORAGE manual for the "Coffee Bean Bottle" ( Middle of page) #3
We have a HOT BREW AND GO Manual
(bottom of page) #4
#1) User Manual for
COLD BREW "Stationary" Filter
1) Oil the black gasket that is attached to clear top at least once a week (use food oil) to maintain a working seal
2) NOT dishwasher or microwave safe!

"Stationary" Filter
downloadable PDF Manual
#2) User Manual for
COLD BREW "Removable" Filter
1) Oil the black gasket that is attached to clear top at least once a week (use food oil) to maintain a working seal
2) NOT Dishwasher Safe!

Downloadable PDF User Manual for Removable Filter Cold Brewer
Removable Filter Instructional Video
Add Ground coffee into filter basket, then attach filter top and drop into vessel
Set white gasket ring onto the ridges inside vessel. (this keeps the filter submerged for entire brew cycle)
attach top and pour in room temp water, then draw a vacuum
Brew for 8-9 hours.
Release vacuum pressure, pour out and enjoy
#3 User Manual for
* NOT dishwasher safe
* Oil black gasket around clear top once a week

PDF Bean Bottle Manual
#4 User Manual for
Hot Brew & Go
